NCUS provides core and intensive workforce development services to individuals in need of skill development or a skill upgrade in order to reach socio economic self-sufficiency. We provide certified job training, workplace readiness and career coaching that prepares individuals to secure and retain employment with a focus on lifelong personal and professional development.
By being an Ohio To Work partner organization
National Center for Urban Solutions (NCUS) provides you with access to career counseling, tools, and resources to help you increase your income and improve your quality of life. By partnering with Ohio To Work, we’re able to expand upon our free resources and provide personalized career coaching and support services, training programs – with funding options, resources and more. To get access to these life changing resources and support from Ohio To Work and NCUS, connect with a career coach today.
Professional Training
NCUS provides certified professional development training for teachers, social workers, health care and other human service professionals working in urban communities. Our classes, workshops and training resources are based on culturally informed training pedagogy and emphasize an asset orientation of these communities and the people living in them. Our objective is to equip individuals to develop and deliver programs and services that connect, empower and transform.
1-1 Career Coaching and Assistance
NCUS can help get you on the path to a stable, fulfilling career. Coaches can support you no matter where you might be on your journey and can give you exclusive access to employers with open jobs in IT, healthcare, and manufacturing.
Training Providers
If you are thinking about trying a new career path, coaches can connect you with training programs and possible funding options to make your dreams a reality. Training providers include various community colleges, universities, and career and technical centers in Mahoning Valley like Eastern Gateway Community College, Youngstown State University, and Trumbull Career Tech Center.